
Thursday, May 26, 2011


Ketep Pass adalah salah nama sebuah objek wisata di Ketep, Sawangan, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Ketep Pass ini merupakan Obyek Wisata alam yang dikembangkan dengan ciri khas wisata kegunungapian, khususnya Gunung Merapi. Obyek Wisata Ketep Pass terletak pada ketingggian 1200 m dpl.Luas area sekitar 8000 m persegi,berjarak 17 km dari Blabak Magelang kearah timur,30 km dari Kota Magelang dan 35 km dari Boyolalai.Dari kota Salatiga yang berjarak sekitar 32 km, dapat melalaui Kopeng dan Desa Kaponan dan 30 km dari Candi Borobudur.Lokasi Obyek mudah dijangkau baik dengan Bus Besar,Mini bus,Sedan atau sejenisnya maupun sepeda motor.

Atas prakarsa Gubernur Jawa Tengah H.Mardiyanto,dipilih tanah berbukit ini untuk dikembangkan sebagai tempat tujuan wisata baru di jalur Solo-Selo-Borobudur (SSB) dengan ciri khas wisata kegunungapian.Obyek Wisata Ketep Pass diresmikan oleh Presiden ke-5 RI Megawati Sukarno Putri pada 17 Oktober 2002. Ketika diresmikan oleh Presiden RI Megawati pada 17 Oktober 2002 baru dibangun dua gardu pandang dan pelataran. Dengan keunggulan panorama yang atraktif Gunung Merapi-Merbabu , Hanparan teras-teras tanah pertanian serta kesejukan udara. Ketep Pass Makin Ramai dipadati Pengunjung, lebih-lebih akhir pekan dan hari libur

Lokasi Ketep Pass berada di puncak Bukit Sawangan (pertengahan antara Gunung Merapi dan Gunung Merbabu). Ketep Pass berada pada ketinggian 1200 meter dpl dan luas areanya kurang lebih 8000 meter persegi. Ketep pass ini berjarak 21 km dari Mungkid, 17 km dari Desa Blabak ke arah timur, 30 km dari Kota Magelang, 35 km dari Kota Boyolali, dan 30 km dari Candi Borobudur. Dari Kota Salatiga yang berjarak sekitar 32 km, Ketep Pass dapat dicapai melalui Kopeng dan Desa Kaponan. Lokasi obyek wisata Ketep Pass ini mudah dijangkau baik dengan bus besar, minibus, sedan atau sejenisnya maupun sepeda motor karena medan jalannya yang tidak terlalu susah untuk dilewati.

Ketep Pass ini memiliki beberapa fungsi,yaitu :
1. Sebagai sarana dokumentasi. Fungsi ini bisa didapat dari adanya film dokumenter yang diputar di dalam bioskop mini.
2. Sebagai sarana peragaan. Fungsi ini bisa didapat dari adanya komputer interaktif yang menyimpan data-data tentang Gunung Merapi. Komputer ini tersedia di dalam Volcano Centre.
3. Sebagai sarana edukasi. Fungsi bisa didapat dari adanya Volcano Centre dan Volcano Theatre.
4. Sebagai sarana penelitian. Yakni sebagai lokasi pengamatan aktivitas Gunung Merapi.
5. Sebagai sarana rekreasi. Fungsi ini bisa didapat dari adanya gardu pandang dan pelataran Panca Arga.

Objek wisata Ketep Pass ini memiliki beberapa fasilitas yang langkap dan menarik, diantaranya adalah:

Museum ini memiliki luas kurang lebih 550 m persegi. Di dalamnya berdiri miniatur Gunung Merapi, komputer interaktif yang berisi tentang dokomen kegunungapian, beberapa contoh batu-batuan bukti letusan dari tahun ke tahun, poster puncak Garuda yang berukuran 3x3m, poster peringatan dini lahar Gunung Merapi, dan juga beberapa foto dan poster yang menggambarkan kisah dari aktivitas Gunung Merapi.

Sebuah gedung tempat pemutaran film dokumenter tentang aktivitas Gunung Merapi dengan kapasitas tempat duduk 78 kursi.Film ilmiah yang menceritakan tentang terjadinya,jalur-jalur pendakian,penelitian dipuncak Garuda serta letusan dahsyat Gunung Merapi,

Sebuah gedung yang disebut museum dangan luas kurang lebih 550 m persegi.Sebuah museum vulcanologi yang didalamnya berdiri miniatur Gunung Merapi,Komputer interaktif yang berisi tentang dokomen kegunungapian,beberapa contoh batu-batuan bukti letusan dari tahun ke tahun.Poster puncak Garuda yang berukuran 3x3m,poster peringatan dini lahar Gunung Merapi

Areal parkir yang luas dan cukup memedai untuk menampung Bus besar.

Panca Arga mempunyai arti Lima Gunung,pada lokasi ini merupakan puncak tertinggi di Obyek Wisata Ketep Pass.Dari puncak tertinggi ini pengunjung dapat melihat Lima Gunung yaitu Gunung Merapi,Gunung Merbabu,Gunung Sindoro,Gunung Sumbing dan Gunung Slamet.
Selain kelima Gunung tersebut pengunjung masih dapat melihat dan menikmati Gunung-Gunung kecil dan Bukit-bukit yang sangat indah antara lain,Gunung Tidar,Gunung Andong,Gunung Pring,Bukit Menoreh,Bukit Telo Moyo dll.

Disini pengunjung dapat menikmati menu yang disajikan diRestaurant Ketep Pass sesuai selera.Bangunan di atas ketep vulcano teatre yang berdinding kaca ini,sangat cocok untuk pengunjung sambil menyantap hidangan yang tersedia juga menikmati indahnya panorama di kaki Gunung Merapi dan Gunung Merbabu.

Sebanyak dua buah yang berada di puncak Panca Arga dan Gardu Pandang.Dengan alat ini pengunjung dapat melihat dengan jelas keindahan panorama Gunung Merapi,Gunung Merbabu dan gunung-gunung yang lain.

Luas bangunan mushola kurang lebih 10 m persegi dengan bentuk bangunan yang artistik,lengkap dengan tempat wudlu dan toilet.

Friday, May 20, 2011

#SMANSA34's trips to Dieng - Jogja

On April 27th 2011, SMAN 1 Depok student 10th grade had a study tour to Dieng - Jogja. We will have a trip for 3 days. H-1 study tour we were given a holiday to prepare that we need for it. I prepare my clothes, my food, and etc. I get enough rest, and finally I ready to go!!! Then, on Wednesday, we start our trip. We have to come together in the school at 5 am. But, I had just arrived at 05.30 am. Iwas on bus 2!! I sat with my friend, Devi, but sometimes I sat with Nia and Nisa too. I sat in the back seat. And about 6 o’clock we started to go. And we leave Depok...

Day 1 – The first day, we start our trip to Wonosobo. These trips take a long time. First, we stopped in KM 57 for take a rest. It’s about 9 o’clock. There, we take some pictures, and go to toilet. In the afternoon, we stopped again in a restaurant for have lunch an pray. Then we continued our trip to goa jatijajar. It supposed to arrived in Goa Jatijajar at 4 pm, but because of our long journey we arrived when the sun goes down. There, we go around the cave. Because of the dark, it looks like a little creepy cave, plus the floor was too slippery. We go out from the cave about 7 pm, then we went back to the bus for went to hotel. We arrived to Hotel wonosobo at late night. I was placed in room 20A with my friends, Nia, Nisa, Devi, Reta, and Fera. But, I not directly take rest, I playing around and take pictures first.. and this is the pictures --> check this out!

Day 2 – The second day, we woke up early morning. We have to prepare for today’s journey. First, we pack our stuff, and have breakfast in the hotel. Next, we went to Dieng. We go there by a shuttle bus, because the road was small, curvaceous, and steep. This travel doesn’t take a long time. Then we arrived there. In there, we saw a dreadlocked child. We also saw a film about merapi in Ketep Volcano Theatre. After that we went to ketep pass. It is a place to see merapi from the back side. The weather there was so cold. And.... These are some pictures----->

After went there, we continued to went to place that not far from there, it was Telaga Warna. In this place, my friends #fantastix4 had to took a pictures like...hmm maybe a couple, and it was so cute, wanna see??

And this is a special picture!!! look o.O

-->this is called WJM (Wedang Jahe Management). I don't too know the history of this management, but I think this is made by my friend, irham(second from left) and endi(second from right). but I think this is a little bit..."crazy" hihihi but it's just for fun ;)

Uhmm okay, let's continue.There, we go around an saw a lake that have a variety of colour. It was big and beautiful. And then, we went again to a crater. I forgot the name of the crater, but there are some that I remember, there were sikidang, sibanteng, and sileri. The smell of the crater is bad, it smells like sulfur. So if we go there we have to cover our nose. Activities on this day is very draining my energy, so then we all have some rest and have lunch. Then, our energy was fully charged. We went back to hotel, to back to the bus. Then finally we went to Jogjaa!! We checked out from the hotel is about 12 o’clock, and this trip is take a long time. we arrived to Jogja is about 17.00 pm. We went hotel again. It is heryon & raditya hotel. The heryon is for girls student and raditya is for boy. I like this hotel, because it’s big, beautiful, and comfortable. When arrived there, we do not directly get rest. I and my classmates go around the hotel. We search for a dinner. But ultimately we just walked around and don’t get food. We just took picture there. And this is the pictures...

And about 10.00 pm we back to our room to get enough rest.

Day 3 – This is 3rd day. This day is our time for “shopping!!”. First, we prepare for went home because we will not stayed in hotel anymore. This day started with going to a place, but I forgot the name. It is a place for make batik, and its also for sell. There, I saw how to make batik, and also see their collection, but I didn’t bought anything. Not all of us that went to this place, some of us went to ISSI. Bus 1-4 went to this batik place, and bus 5 went to ISSI, because from our school already make deal to those place, but it was on the same time, and both of them can’t be cancelled. After that, we went to a pabric of sugar, it is PT. Gula Madu Kismo. There, we just saw around the pabric, but we can not see how to produce sugar, because the machine doesn’t operated yet. And we only see presentation off the directur of PT. Gula Madu Kismo. Next, we started to SHOPPING!!! First, we went to kasongan. There, I just looked around, and didn’t bought anything, because there were no item that I liked. Then, the second place. It is KOI, it’s like a souvenier place. The stuff there is so cute, good, and I like it all!! But it’s expensive..-_- So I didn’t bought anyting again. Hmm this is the 3rd place, and the last place for shopping. This is malioboro. We were given a time only about 2 hour. It’s to fast for me. Then I started.. In here I bought many item, because my family asked me for bought something for them. I bought clothes for my mom, dad, and my brothers. And I bougt bag for me, a pencils for my brother, and batik for my mom and dad. Then I done shopping, and I felt thirsty. So I and my friend went to the mall in malioboro, to get some drinks in McD. Finally, our time for shopping is finish, and we have to get back to the bus. We finished there is about 6 pm. Then, before we came back to Depok, we have dinner, becacuse we will not have food anymore. There, it was the closing of this study tour. Here, each bus give a show for this end of our tour. Every bus sing a song happily, include my bus. I was sad because this tour almost end, but I felt very happy. We were there about until 10.00 pm, and then we have to back again to the bus fore came back home to Depok. And..... not forget the picture....(again??!!--_--)

Day 4 – this is the last day, end also the end of all the activities in tudy tour. We just stayed in a bus for a night. In the bus we just slept over. Inside the bust, all student, teacher, and everyone is tired. So almost all of us was sleep, except the driver ofcourse. Then finally it was 05.00 am. Se stopped at the mosque. We all woked up for prayed subuh. I was still very sleepy, but I have to pray. Finally, the sun rises. Morning was come. And we all still in the bus. We still in the way to go home. And finally, at 10.00 am, we arrived in our city, Depok and we back to our lovely school, SMAN 1 Depok.. I was felt very happy :)
ehem ehem.. friends, for close this post, I'll show you the very vey very special pictures.... okay, close your eyes. are you ready for this???? photos of me!!! yeeeaay clap your hands. *prok prok prok* "............" *krik
okay, I hope you don't bored. check this out!!!

